We have talked about 2018, now on to what I hope to accomplish in 2019.
I like the idea of choosing a word for the year. I am not sure how to keep this in focus but I am going to work on that. May learn a new verse each month or find something each month to share? Mainly, I just want to remind myself that I always have a choice as to what I focus on. My word for 2019 is “JOY”. I am going to choice joy no matter what is happening and I want to find joy in the little things of life.
Financially- The overall goal is to reduce our debt. I would like to reduce our personal debit to less than $20,000 or by $6,000. This is a very lofty goal but any reduction is a significant improvement so I want a goal that seems almost impossible. One of the biggest changes I want to make this year is the way I spend money. We are now paying our bills essentially a month ahead of time. This means that I actually paid all bills due in January on December 31st. By continuing in this manner, I will be able to move unspent money into another place and keep much better records. I also plan to use cash method for keeping up with most of the items except for gas. Finally, I want to use our second checking account as a slush fund/sinking fund account. Any extra money such as mileage checks or money earned from apps will go into that account. I can use it for extra such as meals out or other wants as they arise. For example, I eat out with my co-workers on Fridays, this will be where the money comes from. Today, I ordered a late Christmas gift for Matt’s father and the money came out of the account. This will allow me to not overspend in addition to keeping track of what extra we do have to spend. I am not planning to set a gas budget for the year as there is little to no way to control this when we go over. We simply can’t stop driving. I am going to track our spending for gas to achieve a better understanding of what we are spending. Grocery budget is $400 a month. This will be a reduction from last year even without including our cow purchase but again we have to have a goal.
Blogging- I am going to set the goal at 15 a month. I enjoy writing and I want to spend time doing it more often this year.
Weight- I need to lose at least 30lbs. I like to keep track of days exercised as it again gives me something to improve.
Bible Study- This is a area that I definitely need to make changes in. I am going to be realistic and set a goal of 3 times a week. If and when I have meet this goal for a month I can always increase.
Now let’s talk about specific goals for January- I have already paid our bills including some extra Christmas cost. I don’t have a saving goal this month because I honestly don’t have a way. Baby steps!
No spending outside of the Slush fund.
Groceries at $60 or less
Keep up with gas spending for the entire month.
Walk at least 10 times this month, before I can start this I need to get my snow village put away so I can set up the treadmill.