The countdown is on 2 weeks till Summer Break, although at this point, it appears to be a very busy Summer Break. This week’s menu was on that I wanted to plan with looking at what was in the freezer and anything I could do ahead! I am actually thinking this is one of the easier weeks schedule wise!
Breakfast- Saturday- Strawberry cream cheese pancakes Sunday-I had fried eggs. Monday- Kendall requested Peanut butter and chocolate baked oatmeal, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday- find it (breakfast burritos, muffins, oatmeal, omelets cereal and milk, French toast sticks, sausage, pop-tarts, and eggs).
Lunch- Saturday-Matt and I tried a new Mexican place in Welcome it was awesome! . Sunday- Time Square Pizza. Monday- left-overs Tuesday, -Wednesday, Thursday- Leftovers or wraps
Dinner- Saturday-Left-overs Sunday- Breakfast – BBQ chicken legs and sides Tuesday- Taco Rice Wednesday- Pulled Pork. Thursday- Chicken Fried Rice Friday- who knows…. I will figure out when I have to!.