Count Your Blessings

This has always been one of my favorite hymns and I really feel the need to be thankful today so I am going to just “count my blessing name them one by one”….

  • Matt
  • Each one of my five children Amanda, Haley, Lily, Kendall and Zach…they each are a blessing from God and I love each one the same!
  • My job… yes it is stressful but I still go to work each day to a job that I really enjoy and I get to work with my best friend!
  • Time to spend at home working in the yard and just being with my kids. This past weekend, I spent more time with the little ones than without. I enjoy working outside and then just hanging out in front of the television.
  • Central Air- I remember many of the years that I struggled to get the window unit clean and work. And I am even more thankful for the heat in the winter time. I still recall the winter that we ran out of oil for the old heater several time and had to sleep at my parents just to stay warm.
  • Clothing for each of the kids and even better a line item in the budget to purchase new clothing if need. In the past few years, I have been blessed with lots of second hand clothing so the need is not as great. But again I can recall a year that I had to ask for money just to buy clothing for Haley.
  • Brothers and sisters in Christ that are praying for me daily.  I will never have to face difficult time alone… God is always with me but he has also supplied hands and feet in our church family.

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