April in Review

April was a really fun month. We started it off at Disney so how can I complain? I did come home with a nasty cold which put me out for the first two weeks of the month.  This month I have also been dealing with increased pain due to my psoriatic arthritis.  My insurance stopped paying for Humera and it took almost a full month to get the new prescription.   I am hoping it will help and I can get back to life. 

Groceries- Budget $975/ $450   $ 945.76 Goal Met! By the skin of my teeth! 

Auto/ Gas. Goal -= $600.  Goal Met!  We have spent $257.17 without gas to and from Disney. Including Disney gas we ended up at $750. 

Blogging- 15 posts per month. 4 posts this month. Yeap a struggle.  I knew this was low but wow this may be the least ever. 

Exercise-We walked a total of 25 miles at Disney. I have not been able to walk since.  Better things are coming once I get all my medications fixed. 

Earn extra money: a $50 gift card from Fetch.  They moved the goal but I was able to cash in for a $50 gift card to Amazon!   I will only go for $10 in the future as it took me a year to earn this card.

TIME for Summer Goals
1. Kitchen Floor
2. Bathroom Floor (Matt responsible)
3. New to me car
4. Back Deck?  Redo  if possible
5.  Purchase and process a whole cow including canning broth and ground hamburger
6. Restock freezer with 100 meals and at least 50 breakfast burritos and 52 packs of bagels.

Sounds like I am going to be super busy!

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