Finally, hopefully getting back in the swing of things. Definitely need a menu plan with the increase in activities. I am also hoping to reduce and keep our grocery budget low!
Breakfast- Saturday- Dutch boy pancakes, bacon and biscuits Sunday- Cereal Monday- Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Friday– find it (breakfast burritos, muffins, oatmeal, omelets cereal and milk, French toast sticks, sausage, pop-tarts, and eggs, Jimmy Dean Croisants, chicken biscuits and a couple of breakfast bowls.
Lunch- Saturday-Mexican (La Carreta) Sunday- Olive Garden Monday- left-overs Tuesday,- overs Wednesday eat out or leftovers Thursday- salad. Friday- eat out.
Dinner- Saturday- Beef and egg noodles (new recipe) Sunday- find it and eat. Monday-Chicken sandwiches and Tator tots Tuesday- Taco bowls Wednesday- Pork Chops and mac and cheese Thursday- Hamburgers and French Fries Friday- Cheeseburger pie and cowboy beans.