May In Review

Groceries- Budget $975   $ 952.56 Goal Met! Unless you count of course the cost of the whole cow we purchased.

Auto/ Gas. Goal -= $600.  Goal Met!  We have spent $441.14

Blogging- 15 posts per month. This is post number 13.  I am going to call this one a win as it is much better than April!

Exercise- Walked in the pool on 2 days. Still did not get to the YMCA.

Summer Goals
1. Kitchen Floor- Scheduled for June 18th
2. Bathroom Floor (Matt responsible) – We have an estimate and it should happen in June as well!
3. New to me car-  Planning for this soon
4. Back Deck- We have an estimate and it will be after the Bathroom is completed.
5.  Purchase and process a whole cow including canning broth and ground hamburger. DONE!
6. Restock freezer with 100 meals and at least 50 breakfast burritos and 52 packs of bagels.

I have 2 weeks of work left. Things are going to be crazy for the next couple of week. Hopefully I can share along the way!